Tuesday 1 November 2011

Final Comments on Murfett's "Naval Warfare 1919-45"

In the last two posts I have been critical of some aspects of Murfett's book [1]. Well I have finally finished it and can say that it is redeemed by the extensive discussion in the conclusions (pages 462-499). These discuss who did and did not perform well, who was lucky and/or unlucky the importance of logistics and many other things that should be of interest to naval wargames and those interested in the history of naval operations.

This chapter on its own transforms my recommendation about this work to a "should read" from an "interesting but annoying"

May be I should also record that Murfett's account of Soviet/Eastern Front naval operations covers material unfamiliar to me, and so is another plus in the books favour.


1. Murfett, M., Naval Warfare 1919-45; An operational history of the war at sea, Routlege, 2009